This week, in the world of Lisa...
This week i decided to change my coffee drinking style.
You see, this morning i noticed when i wash my mug after a cuppa,
I mean, my mug after a mugga.
ther there’s an unattractive coffee lip drip on the outside where my lip goes.
I am about to embark on a coffee filled day to discover how to avoid this drip.
Test 1. slippery lip drip
To test “slippery lip” i will apply a sticky lip gloss to my lower lip and drink a mugga.
Complication: no milk.
Overcome: complication milk.
Overzealous lip gloss application complete.
Warning: if replicating this test do not attempt to eat prawn crackers post over-zealous lip gloss application.
Failed: “lip gloss”. Outer coffee mug drip reduced, but replaced with unpleasant sticky residue.
Consumed: 3 teaspoons of coffee (two were in the first mugga of the day), a third of a prawn cracker, 2ml “glaze fruit” lipgloss.
Test 2: mug drip
To test “mug drip” I will drink coffee our of a different mug.
Complication: lack of mug variety.
Operation mug theft complete.
Warning 1: mug theft best accomplished during off-peak times, avoid 8:15am. 10:30am and 2:30pm
Warning 2: theft the mug of a female to ensure a clean mug is obtained.
OvercomeL complication mug.
Failed: “different mug”
Consumed: 4 spoons of coffee, cooties, 2ml lip gloss.
test 3: lip position
To test “lip position” I will drink a mugga with my bottom lip inserted INTO the mug rather than BELOW the mug.
Warning 1: ensure excess lip gloss from test 2 has been removed to avoid chin gloss.
Warning 2: careful of freshly made coffee, its rather hot and burny.
Complication: uncoordinated mug tipping.
Warning 3: don’t get over eager to commence test 3, you will end up with coffee on your shirt.
Complication: looking like a noob.
Failed: “lip position”. Not able to overcome complitation “looking like a noob”.
AbsorbedL ~10ml of coffee.
Test 4: drinking through a straw
To test “drinking through a straw” I will drink a mugga through a straw.
Complication: too hyper to focus on test 4.
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