This week, in the world of Lisa...
This week I saw a chicken near the city.
It was at a set of traffic lights, my immediate reaction was
"Why does she want to cross the road here!? WHYYYYY!!!!!?"
She could have decided to go for a chicken run,
Spur of the moment,
(if that's the case she should have put a capon)
Or her little car had a flat battery.
Either way, she was waiting for the lights to be reddy.
Perhaps she was peckish and headed to the italian restaurant,
for some bocbocbocconcini pizza.
Although, there is a book cafe on the other side,
So she may have been after book worms.
I hear they have an isle of costless silverfish,
It's their free range,
Great if you don't like shelling out money for insects...
And you're a chicken.
Supposedly they're eggcellent there,
But there's a better one further down town.
That one probably wasn't o-pen yet,
Or it was, but the door was closed and she couldn't pullet open.
Just her cluck.
At least she seemed to be keeping abreast of the situation,
Taking the time to recoup and not trying to wing it,
Beakoz no-one expects to see a chicken on the road,
Even if it isa brown one.
So many possibilities, wattle she do tomorrow?!
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